Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Everglades

We only stays a day and two night on Duck Key before we headed northwest to Ft. Myers thru the Everglades.  I had never been in the Everglades but my interest had been piqued by the book I'm reading, A Land Remembered, a historical fiction about Florida.  Great book - I highly recommend it.  We opted not to drive on I75 aka Alligator Alley but took a more scenic route.  We went on a very remote road called Loop Road.  We just stopped along the way to watch and enjoy the sites.  Over the next few days, I'll share some of those sites here.

I love seeing things that surprise me.  And this one really did.  The Cypress trees were full of bromeliads.  Not just a few,  but hundreds.  I read that orchids also grow in the swamps there but I didn't see any this time.  My drive through the Everglades was truly beautiful.

Til Tomorrow, Tweetles,

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