Sunday, June 30, 2013

Loblolly Bay

The trees in my back yard that I thought were Red Bays, appear to be Loblolly Bay Trees.  Most of us just call them wild magnolias.  They have been particularly beautiful and prolific this year.  So much so that I have to sweep away the fallen blossoms from the bridge every day.  Oh, by the way, this is the same tree that had the clump of bright red leaves a few weeks ago.  You can see it on the June 2 post.  Any way, I digress.  If you notice the leaves, they are identical to the bay leaves in the jar in your pantry.  So my question is, can I substitute one of these nice fresh green leaves for the dried brown ones?  One website said they were poison, but the US Department of Agriculture says they have no toxicity.  So now that I know they aren't poison, I still don't down if I can cook with them.  When I give it a try, I'll let you know.

Til Tomorrow, Tweetles,

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