Friday, June 28, 2013

Question Answered!

You know how you wonder about things?  Just passing thoughts.  But you never stop to "Google" it or ask anyone who knows.  Well, I've been wondering about something for a long time and I just got the answer.  All around north Florida, you can find beautiful gardens filled with Caladiums.  The colors are so exciting and eye-catching.  Every time I looked at one, I noticed the shape of the leaf and how it was so similar to the Elephant Ear.  Is it a kind of Elephant Ear I wonder.  Well, alas, Caladiums are part of the Elephant Ear Family.  My next door neighbor to the right has huge ones planted at the back of her garden.  The leaves are at least 20 inches long.  The neighbor on the other side gave me some plants a couple years ago.  Its called "Black Magic."  They are quite beautiful and very odd.  Here a picture of how they look.

Some of the others (below) in my garden are beautiful as well.  Caladiums are so great because you plant the bulb and forget about it.  They come up each year, they multiply and its so easy to transplant the new ones.  They love the shade but can tolerate sun.  Bugs don't bother them much.  What more can you ask for?  Especially when they bring such color and beauty!

Til Tomorrow, Stop wondering and look it up!


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