Sunday, June 9, 2013

Don't forget water for the butterflies

This is a really beautiful plant I bought at Trad's Nursery in Mandarin last fall.  They had one displayed in a cobalt blue planter and I found a less expensive substitute one.  This plant is a Fire Cracker plant.  I find that there are several with the same name.  One has much finer leaves and are more droopy.  This one is extremely hardly.  It made it through the winter outdoors.

But the message I really want to relay is how important it is to have small containers with shallow water for the butterflies.  The shallow water allows them to drink without getting their wings wet.

University of Florida offers these guidelines:

Major Components of a Successful Butterfly Garden

  1. Adult nectar sources: attract and nourish adult butterflies.
  2. Larval host plants: attract ovipositing female butterflies, serve as a food source for developing larvae.
  3. Shelter: vegetation that provides protection from temperature extremes, storms/rain, and predators as well as locations for roosting/sleeping.
  4. Water source with fountain: allows for easy and consistent access to water for drinking and thermoregulation.

For more information on Florida Butterfly gardens visit:  UF site

Til Tomorrow, Don't forget to water the butterflies,

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