Saturday, June 1, 2013

I'm Back!

Well, I'm back.  And where have you been?,  you might ask.  This is a rather embarrassing confession I'm about to make.  The week of my last post - of what I perceived as perfectly marvelous examples of photos, I decided that having my photos on a stock site would be so exciting and rewarding.

Alas, as we all know beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and when my photos were rejected, I was, shall me say "devastated".  I know, it was childish.  After all, I was taking the pictures for my own enjoyment.  I guess I thought I needed some validation.

So now, I'm back and with a newly uplifted attitude.  I've been validated.  I entered one of my photos in the Clay County Fair and am now am the proud winner of a BLUE Ribbon AND $3.00 cash.  So, I'm back and here's my winning photo!


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