Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mossy Tree Trunk

Since I was a little girl, I've been fascinated with moss.  The Spanish moss hanging from the trees in Gone With the Wind was particularly beautiful to me.  Who knew I would grow up to have some hanging from the trees in our lawn.  This picture is a green moss that grows on trees in damp shady areas.  It normally grows on the north side of the tree. (Info for when you're lost in a forest and the birds have eaten your breadcrumb trail leading home.)

Sphagnum moss is probably the most interesting of all.  In 1014, a Gaelic Chronicle mentioned using moss to pack wounds and stop bleeding.  It was used during wars and is still used in surgery in Germany even today.  Just so you'll know, there are over 12,000 different kinds of Moss.

Til Tomorrow,

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