Saturday, June 30, 2012


When I was a kid, I loved to go to my cousin's house.  There we could play in the pine trees and build playhouse.  Among the trees we often found honeysuckle.  Yum!  Now the secret was to gently remove a tiny flower and put the small end in our mouth and suck out the nectar - WITHOUT getting a bug along with it. 

How did we live through those adventures???

Til Tomorrow,

Friday, June 29, 2012

Accidental Butterfly

I was admiring these beautiful orange flowers.  So I thought I would take a few pictures.  As I was clicking away, this beautiful butterfly just flew between the flower and me.  I waited, hoping he would come back so I could zoom in but alas, he had other flowers to visit.

Til Tomorrow,

Thursday, June 28, 2012


You know the old saying about "You can't see the forest for the trees."  I think sometimes we're so busy looking at the whole plant that we forget to look at one single bloom.  The perfection of each flower is an amazing thing to behold. 

Til Tomorrow, Don't forget to smell the roses!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Goose Family

Well, here's the latest update on the Goose Family.  I think the youngsters are following their human counterparts' lead and just decided to live with Mom and Dad.

There's something so comforting about being with your family.

Til Tomorrow,

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


One of the locals that I hadn't seen was a Pigeon.  I ran across this guy the other day in St. Augustine.  I love the expression.  "Who are you?, what are looking at? and where's the food?"

Til Tomorrow,

Monday, June 25, 2012

Eastern Painted Turtle?

After, lots of searching, I think this is an Eastern Painted Turtle.  If anyone knows for sure, please do let me know.  I ran across her and she was partially in a hole.  I think it is possible she was either on eggs or laying eggs.  I'm going to return to the scene and see if there are eggs.

I was able to get a nice close up of her face.

Til Tomorrow,

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Samson - The Watch Cat

Here's Samson again.  Still sleeping on the job!

Til Tomorrow
Tweetles & Yawns

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Grey Hawk?

I've searched and searched but can't find a picture online of this bird.  It is definitely a predator - that we know because of it's beak.  It is about the size of a hawk and behaves like a hawk.  He sat on that limb for several hours.  We also know he is gray.  So the assumption would be that this bird is a Gray Hawk.  Any other information would be appreciated.  Let me hear from you.

Til Tomorrow,

Friday, June 22, 2012


There are more than 200 different varies of this tropical plant called Hoya.  They have vines that climb and attach to bricks and stones as you can see.  The blossom is unbelievable.  To the touch it feels like wax.  They are easily grown and make quite a show.

Til Tomorrow,

Thursday, June 21, 2012

squirrel on a tree eating an almond

Some creatures will do anything for attention.  I can think of a lot more comfortable positions to be in while I'm having my snack.

Til Tomorrow


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Lubber Grasshopper

This is a Lubber Grasshopper.  They are very prolific and destructive to our plants.  Insecticide is pretty worthless against them.  These grasshoppers are quite pretty because of their color, but they are very clumsy insects.

What has wings but can not fly?
The Lubber Grasshopper.  Their wings are not large enough or strong enough to keep them airborne.

Now you know where that crunching sound is coming from in your garden!

Til Tomorrow,

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dove on Nest

On my daughter's back porch, they have a setup to watch TV.  This female dove found another use for their cable box.  With all the comings and goings and 4 kids playing in the pool, she still remains sedate and focused.  By the way she her name is Belle and her mate is Peter.  Occasionally, Peter comes and visits and sings to her.

Til Tomorrow,

Monday, June 18, 2012

Checkered White Butterfly

I was really surprised to learn that some white butterflies are indeed butterflies and not moths.  Trip took this picture when we were out looking for birds.  Its a Checkered White Butterfly, also known as a Cabbage Butterfly.  It was no easy task to catch this creature.  He moved at the speed of ...oh.. a hummingbird, not lighting often.  Even though it was small, it was quite beautiful.  Don't forget to click the picture for a closer view.

Til Tomorrow,

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Blue Jay

Probably the most aggressive bird in my neighborhood is the Blue Jay.  I've watched these birds attach, dive bomber style, birds 10 times their size.  The Blue Jay lives in wooded areas and eat mostly seeds, nuts and acorns but also worms and insects.  Blue Jays bury acorns in the ground and sometimes forget to retrieve them.  From those acorns new trees spring up.

I'll continue to search for the perfect Blue Jay photo op.

Til Tomorrow,

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Tiger Swallowtail

May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun
And find your shoulder to light on,
To bring you luck, happiness and riches
Today, tomorrow and beyond.
~Irish Blessing

Til Tomorrow,


Friday, June 15, 2012

Shelf Fungi

You might remember that last week I posted a picture of moss on a tree trunk.  This week, I wanted to share this picture of shelf fungi on a tree.  Its also called bracket fungi.  According to some sources, it can be used as a food in dire circumstance???  They will cause the wood to rot from within, so that explains why this tree is dead or maybe they formed after the tree was dead.  I do wonder how old these are.  Click the picture to enlarge it and notice how intricate they are. 

Til Tomorrow,

Thursday, June 14, 2012


On Monday, I was all settled in for the night and we got a phone call from our neighbor who has seen me out and about with my camera.  He said, "You've got to come outside and see the clouds!"  I only wish the picture could be as beautiful as the sky was.  I haven't seen cloud formations like that before.  It was truly breath taking.  This is what I found about them:

Altocumulus cloud formations are usually in globs or rolls that are in patches. They often resemble cotton balls. They are bigger than cirrocumulus clouds and smaller that stratocumulus. They usually mean a cold front has arrived and will signify thunderstorms if they appear on a warm summer day.

Til Tomorrow,

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

In Search of the Perfect Magnolia

I'm continuing to search for the perfect Magnolia to make the perfect photo of.  I think this one comes pretty close.

I love God's world!

Til Tomorrow, Keep looking up,

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day Lily

Today's picture comes all the way from Montreat, NC.  What a beautiful image from a beautiful girl.  Love you, Payton

Til Tomorrow,

Monday, June 11, 2012

Female Cardinal with a Mohawk?

I love this picture.  She looks a little like I feel sometime.  She has a wild look in her eye and I'm able to read her mind.  She's thinking "WHAT am I going to do about dinner for those little ones?"  and "What time is that man of mind flying home?" and "Those kids were so loud last night I hardly get any sleep!" and "Am I the only one doing anything around here?"  Yes, the female species - always thinking.

Til Tomorrow,

Sunday, June 10, 2012

St. Francis of Assisi

Many of the stories that surround the life of St. Francis deal with his love for animals. Perhaps the most famous incident that illustrates the Saint's humility towards nature is recounted in the "Fioretti" ("Little Flowers"), a collection of legends and folklore that sprang up after the Saint's death. It is said that, one day, while Francis was traveling with some companions, they happened upon a place in the road where birds filled the trees on either side. Francis told his companions to "wait for me while I go to preach to my sisters the birds."  The birds surrounded him, intrigued by the power of his voice, and not one of them flew away.

Til Tomorrow,

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Trumpet Vine

These beautiful blooms belong to the Trumpet Vine.  I had never seen them before last week but I learned a lot about them.  They are not particular about the soil in which they grow and they grow from Pennsylvania in the north to Florida in South and West to Texas and Missouri.  They are easily grown in drought conditions or in humid forests and are extremely fast growing.  If you need a showy vine, this is a great one.

Til Tomorrow,

Friday, June 8, 2012


My first Robin sighting this spring!  Its not a very good picture because I'm so far away.  But he's kinda cute. 

In my research, I learned that robins spend most of their time roosting in the trees so that explains why I haven't seen any. 

A funny fact:  Robins love honeysuckle berries and often after eaten a lot of them become intoxicated.  Who knew?

Til Tomorrow,

Thursday, June 7, 2012


I already shared this picture which I called Girl with Lily but look at the two side and compare.

I got such an eerie feeling when I looked at these two pictures.  Same statue, same day and just a few seconds apart.  It looks like the girl lowered her head.  I just moved a few steps.  Cool huh?

Til Tomorrow,

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hawk 2

This was such a funny picture to see first hand.  This hawk was being bombarded by two blue jays.  I tried and tried to get them in the picture but they were just too fast.  I guess he was getting a little too close to their little ones.

Til Tomorrow,

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mossy Tree Trunk

Since I was a little girl, I've been fascinated with moss.  The Spanish moss hanging from the trees in Gone With the Wind was particularly beautiful to me.  Who knew I would grow up to have some hanging from the trees in our lawn.  This picture is a green moss that grows on trees in damp shady areas.  It normally grows on the north side of the tree. (Info for when you're lost in a forest and the birds have eaten your breadcrumb trail leading home.)

Sphagnum moss is probably the most interesting of all.  In 1014, a Gaelic Chronicle mentioned using moss to pack wounds and stop bleeding.  It was used during wars and is still used in surgery in Germany even today.  Just so you'll know, there are over 12,000 different kinds of Moss.

Til Tomorrow,

Monday, June 4, 2012


When strolling through the garden,
If you should chance to see
A ladybug out walking,
Please say "hi" for me!
For ladybugs are good bugs,
They help the garden grow
They will bring you good luck,
So always say "hello!"

                                    ~Author Unknown

Til Tomorrow,

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Wild Turkey

Where we live, there is an abundance of wild turkeys.  They wander around in the early morning and late afternoon in large groups of 12 to 20 and search for food.  They eat seed, grain and nuts.  I've been told that the numbers are decreases, possibly because of hunters but according to the Wild Turkey Federation, there are more turkeys in the United States now than before the early settlers came.  This photo was taken from quite a distance because they are easily spooked.

Til Tomorrow,
Tweetles and Gobble, Gobble

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Woodpecker in action

Out this morning, I found this great woodpecker searching for breakfast.  I thought it would be fun to video tape him.  Enjoy!

Til Tomorrow,
Tweetles and Tap, Tap, Tap

Friday, June 1, 2012

Newborn Butterfly

One of the cocoons hatched today and this is the newborn.  I watched as he held on and contemplated what to do next.  I waited for him to fly for about an hour.  He just kept lightly flapping his wings.  I stepped into the garage to make a call and looked over my shoulder just in time to see him fly.  If you look closely, you can see the empty cocoon just underneath him.  There's one more cocoon and I'm watching carefully to see if I can get a picture of the actual "birth."

Til Tomorrow,
Tweetles and Patience