Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What is that eating my fennel?

Last year, I planted fennel in my herb garden.  I loved how it looked and I was so sure I would be using it in lots of dishes.  Alas, I didn't use it even once!  But it survived the winter and I was sure I would use it this year.  But earlier today, I saw these large green worms and quickly researched to find out what could be eating my fennel.  I found that they are the Caterpillar of the Black Swallowtail Butterfly. (http://www.pbase.com/rcm1840/lifecycleofblsw)  Now, I'm ecstatic that my fennel is being eaten and the end result will be so beautiful.  I'm really glad I planted that butterfly garden out back.  Don't forget to click on the picture for a closeup view.

Well, Til Tomorrow,
Tweetles & Flutters

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