Thursday, May 31, 2012

White Tail Deer

Yesterday I was able to get a picture of this beautiful white tail deer.  I think this is a young buck, since the top of the head is kinda square looks like antlers are forming.  I learned some really cool things.  Did you know that antlers are not horns?  Horns are permanent while antlers are shed each year in November or December.  The antlers are replaced by "velvet" which dries over the next few months and is replaced by the new antlers.  Now you won't believe this!  If a deer's antlers are removed and surgically attached to another part of his body, they will grow!!!!

Til Tomorrow,

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Female Cardinal

Yesterday, after the storm, this beautiful female Cardinal was sitting in the shelter of the leaves in a tree.  Interestingly, in the past, Cardinals were sold as pets and kept in cages, but since the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, it is illegal to kill or possess a Cardinal and the punishment carries a $15,000 fine.

During mating season, the male feeds seeds, beak to beak, to the female.  The female lays eggs 2-4 times each year - 3-4 eggs each time.  There is an estimated population of 100,000,000 worldwide.  Wow!  Since the beak of a mature Cardinal is bright orange, we know this one is young.

Til Tomorrow,

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Little Blue Heron 2

When I first began my blog I got a picture of a Little Blue Heron but it was from quite a distance.  Not very good!  Yesterday, I happened upon this guy.  He was so intent on his fishing expedition, he didn't even notice me or maybe all the birds around have just gotten used to the crazy lady with the black thing stuck to her face.

Til Tomorrow, Keep Looking Up,

Monday, May 28, 2012


This beautiful blossom is the first bloom on one of my Hydrangea bushes.  I've always found these plants to be fascinating.  You can Change a hydrangea from pink to blue by adding aluminum to the soil. Or Change it from blue to pink by removing aluminum from the soil or taking it out of reach of the hydrangea.  I remember my mother driving large nails into the ground around her plant.  You can even have different colored blooms on the same plant! 

I have one that is white.  Does that mean there are no minerals in the soil there?

Just Wondering Til Tomorrow,

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bird Feeder Update

Well, its official.  This is really a squirrel feeder.  I know there must have been a mistake in the labeling on the package.  This guy and his buddy wiped out all the seeds you see - yesterday.  I was wondering how long it would take for them to make the discovery.  Perhaps, the squirrels will be generous and share with the cardinals?  We'll see.

Til Tomorrow,
Tweetles and Munchies

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Rustic Owl

I'm still searching for an Owl to photograph.  My next door neighbor says there's one that hangs out in her front yard late in the evenings.  I'll continue to watch, but in the meantime, this rustic owl will have to be a good substitute.

So Til Tomorrow,

Friday, May 25, 2012

Caterpillar Update

You may be wondering about the status of the Caterpillars.  Well, first let me say that that big full fennel plant has been reduced to stem with only a little lacy plant left.  There were 8 remaining at last count this morning.  I guess the others have moved into the hedges to cocoon.  The most I counted on the bush was 18.  In a couple weeks, we should have some beauties flying around.  UPDATE on the update.  All have moved on. None remainingl

Til Tomorrow
Tweetles & Flutters

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Young Mallard

We have a newby to our neighborhood.  He has such a black head and I was curious to find out what kind of duck he is.  He's just a young Mallard who doesn't have that beautiful green head yet.  However, you can see the few green feathers on his side.  He's beautiful, isn't he?

Til Tomorrow,
Quack, quack, quack

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


In a neighbors yard, I saw this Sunflower.  I took the pictures and was so excited to have the perfect Sunflower shot.  Much to my dismay, when I put it on my computer and zoomed in, my perfect flower had an unexpected addition.  Check out the bug in the middle.  Some folks just have to be in the spotlight.

Til Tomorrow,

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New Bird Feeder

We went out and bought 3 bird feeders this weekend.  It took a while, but we're finally getting some visitors.   I'm looking forward to seeing the different kinds of birds that show up.

Keep looking!  There's a beautiful world all around us.

Til Tomorrow,

Monday, May 21, 2012

Girl with Lily

Easter was early this year so my Easter Lily didn't make it for Easter.  I found this bit of information to be very interesting:

History, mythology, literature, poetry and the world of art are rife with stories and images that speak of the beauty and majesty of the elegant white flowers. Often called the “white-robed apostles of hope,” lilies were found growing in the Garden of Gethsemane after Christ’s agony. Tradition has it that the beautiful white lilies sprung up where drops of Christ’s sweat fell to the ground in his final hours of sorrow and deep distress. Churches continue this tradition at Easter time by banking their altars and surrounding their crosses with masses of Easter Lilies, to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and hope of life everlasting.

Til Tomorrow,

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Just a Game of Cat and Mouse (Duck)

I've started carrying my camera with me everywhere I go so that I won't miss any of wonderful things I encounter during the day.  This game of Cat and Duck was really fun to observe.  Observe the stealth man in which the cat stalks his prey.  And see the "devil may care" attitude of the duck.  I wish I had better filming skills but that will come with practice I suppose.  Enjoy! 

Til Tomorrow,
Tweetles, Meows and Quacks

Saturday, May 19, 2012


I think of all the birds around, my favorite is the Mockingbird.  Maybe because I am a "wannabe" singer, I appreciate the superb vocals and the diligence with which they go about their day.  Did you know that 5 states have named the Mockingbird their state bird? - Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas.

Til Tomorrow,

Friday, May 18, 2012

Can You See It?

You'll have to zoom in to see the the butterfly in this picture.  Isn't it remarkable how insects can blend into their surroundings.  I believe the plant is camomile.  I planted some once in another area of the garden but I think it got transplanted by the bird?

Til Tomorrow,

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Unknown Plant

I would really like to know what this plant is.  The heart shaped leaves are very delicate and beautiful, but the really interesting part is the "bloom" or is it a "seed pod" or "fruit?  I have seen a plant called a chenille plant but those blooms are dark pink.  Anybody have any idea what it is?

Til Tomorrow,

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Here's the closest we can get to having Lovebirds in our neighborhood.  This one is on top of a neighbor's fountain.  Wikipedia has this to say about lovebirds: They are a social and affectionate small parrot. Eight species are native to the African continent, while the Grey-headed Lovebird is native to Madagascar.  Lovebirds live in small flocks and eat fruit, vegetables, grasses and seed.

Each time I drive past this one I am thankful for all the love I have in my life.  I hope you have the same.

Til Tomorrow,
Tweetles & Kisses

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What is that eating my fennel?

Last year, I planted fennel in my herb garden.  I loved how it looked and I was so sure I would be using it in lots of dishes.  Alas, I didn't use it even once!  But it survived the winter and I was sure I would use it this year.  But earlier today, I saw these large green worms and quickly researched to find out what could be eating my fennel.  I found that they are the Caterpillar of the Black Swallowtail Butterfly. (  Now, I'm ecstatic that my fennel is being eaten and the end result will be so beautiful.  I'm really glad I planted that butterfly garden out back.  Don't forget to click on the picture for a closeup view.

Well, Til Tomorrow,
Tweetles & Flutters

Monday, May 14, 2012

Two Bunnies

Look who I ran into on my cart ride recently! They were so sweet and tame. I walked up very close and they just remained calm.  Just another lazy day in RabbitVille.

Til Tomorrow,
Tweetles & HipptyHops

Sunday, May 13, 2012


The most common duck in Florida is the Muscovy.  Most people just moan when they see one since they can leave quite a "trail" behind.  They are pretty messy about their bathroom habits.  I think this one must be young because the red head is not as lumpy and bumpy as most.  I was surprised to see how beautiful the feathers were.

I can't believe it took me so long to find one and he was just down the street.

Til Tomorrow,

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Are Buzzards and Vultures the Same?

I searched the web extensively and asked, "are buzzards and vultures the same?"  It was about a 50/50 split of yeses and nos.  Here are the two pictures I have made.  They are different but still similar.  If you zoom in, compare the heads.  They are different. as are the beaks.  It is my personal opinion that they are different and people think they're the same because their eating habits are the same.  What do you think?

Til Tomorrow,

Friday, May 11, 2012

Yard Birds

This pair of Yard Birds reside in my neighborhood.  Notice the snow white color, the stately posture and protruding watchful eyes.

This proves my point that everyone needs birds in their yard - of one variety or another.

Til Tomorrow
Tweetle hee hee

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Family Geese

I've been cruising for weeks looking for a family of geese - without success.  But, wonder of wonders, this morning I got up early to do some cleaning outside and there they were.  Right in my own backyard!

Unfortunately, the baby geese aren't babies anymore. But isn't this a precious family?

Til Tomorrow,

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Things That Live in My Backyard!

I find the strangest things in my backyard.  Unfortunately, this one isn't very welcome.  I estimate that he's about 6 feet.  I cropped the picture so you can zoom in better.  I guess we'll have to call animal control in the not too distant future.  After my up close and personal encounter a few years ago, I'm pretty leery of these guys.

Til Tomorrow,

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Common Mail Box Bird

This is the Common Mail Box Bird.  I have noticed that they have become much more "prolific" in the last few years.  You will find them quite easily but only if you are  searching for them in their natural habitat -  on top of a mailbox.  We haven't been able to ascertain why they prefer to only live on mailboxes, but it is the common consensus they are cute and cheerful (albeit quietly cheerful) and bring a smile to our faces when we see them.

Til Tomorrow,

Monday, May 7, 2012

Fisherman's Cottage on the Cliffs at Varengeville by Claude Monet

The last photo from my trip!  In the garden area of the Bellagio, was this "painting" created with flowers.  It is representative of Monet's Cottage on the Cliffs at Varengeville.  I ask one of the gardeners how the flowers last and she said wilted blooms are removed and replaced daily.  Below is what the real work of art looks like.  I was really amazed by this display.

Til Tomorrow,

Sunday, May 6, 2012


I found these peonies at Bert's place to be quite lovely.

Just an update on the Birds of Paradise - we went to friends' house for dinner last night and they had one growing in a pot beside their front door.  So, that answers the question, "Do Birds of Paradise grow in Florida?"  Yes they do.

Til Tomorrow,

Saturday, May 5, 2012

A Perfect Pink Rose

This is one of those times I think a picture is worth a thousand words.  Could God's creation be any more perfect?

“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln

Til Tomorrow,

Friday, May 4, 2012

As I promised yesterday, here is a picture of the fountain in front of the Bellagio in Las Vegas.  This was the view from my room.  Its too bad that the picture doesn't do it justice.  It is really a pretty spectacular presentation.

Well, I'll be going out to find more birds this weekend.  Wish me luck.

Til Tomorrow,

Thursday, May 3, 2012

This is a super sized tulip and bee that were part of the seasonal display at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas.  If you are ever in Vegas, you really should check it out.  It is an extraordinary exhibit.  And, may I recommend Michael Mina's restaurant.  It is superb - food and service.

While Vegas is not my favorite city to visit, it does have some interesting sites.  The fountain in front of the hotel is beautiful. The lights and music are integrated into the shows that take place during the day and night.  I'll share a picture tomorrow.

Til Then,

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Great White Swan

Last week I was in Los Angeles and Las Vegas.  I stayed at the Bellagio Hotel where they have the most amazing seasonal decor.  In the display was this huge white swan.  Not real, but a bird none the less.  I'll be posting some more of my trip pictures later this week.

Till Then,

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Bird of Paradise

Well, I'll bet you never thought I could combine bird and plant!

This beautiful Bird of Paradise lives in Bert's backyard in Los Angeles.  Named that for obvious reasons, it looks like a bird.  The bird of Paradise is a native plant of Africa and is, according to the University of Florida website, closely related to the banana plant.

I don't know how successfully one could be grown here, but I might have to give it a try.

Til Tomorrow,