Saturday, March 31, 2012

Mystery Bird

Can anyone please tell me what kind of bird this is. I think he is so beautiful and I've looked and looked but I can't find him. If you know, please email me.

Thanks and Til Tomorrow,


Well, as I promised, an occasional flower. This is a camellia that was blooming on the golf coarse. I tried to find the name of this one, but there are so many different varieties, I was unsuccessful. So I'm just going to call it "Pink Beauty."

Til Tomorrow,

Friday, March 30, 2012


The Cardinal lives in North and South America. There are several varieties but this one is a Northern Cardinal. The bright red and the head shape let us know it is a male.

I took this picture early this morning, when it was just daylight. He was very noisy and beautiful for us to look at. Van and I really enjoyed riding, listening and looking at all the birds. Our goal was to find a turkey but, alas, that will be another day.

Til tomorrow,

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Great Blue Heron

The Great Blue Heron is one of the tallest birds in the United States. He can stand between 3 1/2 - 4 1/2 feet tall. His wingspan is between 5 1/2 - 6 1/2 feet across and he can fly 30 to 40 miles per hour.

He wades slowly and then catches his fish with great speed. Sometimes a heron catches a fish that is too large for him to swallow and because his neck is so long and thin, he can choke to death. I was surprised to learn that they also eat mice, insects and small animals. I sure wish he would eat that mole that digging up my backyard!

I told you he was a real beauty. Don't forget to click on the picture for a larger view. Hmm, I have to go and find more birds, so, til tomorrow,


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Little Blue Heron

This Little Blue Heron is pretty intersting. He hangs out with the Snowy Egrets (see March 22 post). There are two reasons for this. First there are plenty fish around and also the Egret protects him.

I took this picture about a month ago. It isn't as clear as I would like, but I haven't seen him since.

Check in tomorrow to see the Great Blue Heron. He's a real beauty.

Til then,

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Blue Tailed Skink

So, OK, its not a bird or a flower or a bug, but it's still pretty interesting. The Blue Tailed Skink lives in the southeastern United States (this one lives in my backyard) and is believed by a lot of folks to be poisonous. However, this is totally false. One guy on the internet said he had 27.

They eat insects, spiders, ants and such. They burrow into the ground.

Til tomorrow,

Monday, March 26, 2012


This is the last of my photos from the inter coastal boat trip. This is an osprey. I think maybe she is preparing her nest. As we approached, she flew away but as soon as we left, she returned to continue her work.

Her nest was located at marker 86 near Mayport.

Well, while that mama continues to build her nest, I have to go and make my bed.

Til tomorrow,

Sunday, March 25, 2012


I wanted to get a really interesting picture of a Seagull. And let me tell you, that's no easy task. When I got home and started pursuing the pictures on my memory card, you wouldn't believe the number of sky and cloud pictures I had. They really fly fast.

I thought that the the black head meant it was a female, but according to my research, both male and females have the same markings. There are, however, different varieties and some have white or grey heads. Maybe its like some of us have red hair and some have blond??

Oh and by the way, if you want a closer view, you can click on the picture.

Until tomorrow,

Saturday, March 24, 2012


When we docked at Mayport on Friday, this Pelican was watching and waiting "patiently?" for the man dressing fish to toss him the left overs. Notice the intensity in his eyes.

We should all pay such close attention to those around us!


Friday, March 23, 2012

Baby Eagle

What a great day on the water! We saw so many different kinds of birds. I took this picture and thought it was a baby osprey but after checking the pictures on the web, I now believe it is a baby eagle. Talk about piercing eyes. Oh, I forgot to mention where I took this picture. The nest was built on a mile marker in the inter coastal waterway.

Til tomorrow,

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Snowy Egret

The Snowy Egret is a very common bird in this area. They are such patience birds. I have watched the slow motion steps of these birds as they walk all round the perimeter of our pond, quietly stalking the minnows that nourish them. Once they have a target, they very quickly catch the tiny fish. Sitting on this branch, he looks quit different from when he is walking with his neck stretched long.

Tomorrow, I'll be searching for a great picture of a bird from the ocean.  I'm going on a boat and hope to find something very interesting to share.

Wish me luck,

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wood Stork

This "not quite beautiful" bird is a wood stork. I hadn't seen one of these birds in my backyard until this past winter. He is enjoying the fresh catch of the day. The fish was about the size of a man's hand.

I love the reflection and I didn't even have to Photoshop the ripples in the water.

Til Tomorrow,

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


A few weeks ago, early on a Sunday morning, I saw this cute little Finch outside the window of our family room. I quickly grabbed my camera, stood on my sofa and snapped a picture. I was so excited when I viewed the picture on my computer. I hadn't realized she turned to look at me just as I took the picture.

There are so many varieties in the Finch family, I'm not sure what this one is.

Any bird enthusiasts who might know please enlighten me,

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Canadian Goose

In the 1800's and early 1900's the Canadian Goose was over hunted and was near extinction. In the early 1960's efforts were made to protect them. I was told that Mr. Wright at Wright's dairy located near our community was asked if a small group of geese could be placed on his dairy for a winter. He agreed, the geese were relocated and remain here today. They don't fly south for the winter and they don't fly north for the summer. This northeast Florida is magical. Once you're here, no one wants to leave.

Till next time, Tweetles

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Red Shouldered Hawk

This Red Shouldered Hawk was hanging out in my neighbors yard a few weeks back. I was able to get surprisingly close. There was another one nearby. I waited and watched to see if this was a courtship or a battle, but neither came about.

There are quite a few of these beauties in the area. I watched last summer as one swooped into the lake and grabbed a water moccasin. He dined on half and came back later to finish devouring his prey.

They really are beautiful and majestic.


Saturday, March 17, 2012


The Anhinga, is a really strange water bird. I have quite a few hanging around in my backyard. This one I call Antoine. He is always ready to pose for me. The name most people use for this bird is a snake bird. They swim underwater for long periods of time and then extend their long necks upwards out of the water looking a lot like a snake.

The Anhinga is not a duck, although when swimming they look like a duck. Just because it looks like a duck and swims like a duck does not make it a duck. One interesting difference is that their wings do not have the waxy coating that a duck's has so they are forced to spread their wings in the sun and flap them in the wind to dry them out.

Be on the lookout for an anhinga and let me know when you see one.

Till next time, Tweetles