Friday, June 5, 2020

Here's the latest update on the Bluebird family.  This may be the last post since they will be ready to fly soon I think.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Well, I did take a photo last week but there was absolutely nothing to report on the Bluebird Family.  Just the same five eggs.  But today's a different story.  When I opened to peek in, this is what I found:

I was so happy to find that all five eggs hatched.  In my research, I found that many times not all the eggs survive.  But so far, so good.  I think I may be able to get one more shot in the box but after that it'll be too risky to open since they could fall out.  But I will try to get some shots of their learning to fly.  

Friday, May 15, 2020

Greetings out there,

Well its been about 7 years since my last post!!!!

Welcome back if you're returning.

Last year I remodeled my laundry room and while doing so, I removed all the cute little bird houses I had above the cabinets.  I just took them to the garage and dumped them on a shelf.  A few weeks ago, as I sat on my back porch, as I am doing all the time now, I decided to make yard art by adding my birdhouses to a post that was there holding up a sail for shade.  I was really quite proud of my artist effort.

 And then, this happened:

I've always wanted Bluebirds but they never came. But then they did!  I watched this poor guy trying to get in but only his head would fit.  He flew back and forth all afternoon.  It was obvious that something had to be done to accommodate.  The next morning I went to the local hardware store and was lucky enough to buy the "last" bluebird box!  Now the houses look like this:

In less than 5 minutes after I attached the box, He was in and out several times, checking it out.  Soon there was a second one - obviously his mate.  They continued to go in and out for the remainder of the day.  The next day as they went in and out they were not empty beaked. Twigs and straw were taken in all day.  At times, it was coming out of the hole but they stayed with it.

One Week Later:

Another Week Later: Today May 15

More pictures next week!