Sunday, August 5, 2012

What a remarkable master plan!

I wrote last week that the Moon Flower was so special because the moths that feed at night can see them since they are bright white.  And then I showed you the Morning Glory that is in the same family but blooms in the morning.  Now take a look at the pink ones.  They are called Four O'Clocks.  They bloom in the late afternoon around 4 o'clock.   It occurred to me that with this family of flowers, we have blooms round the clock.

See, it is a remarkable master plan - this creation of God's.

Til Tomorrow,

Saturday, August 4, 2012

A different way to handle succulents.

The San Diego Botanical Gardens found a different way to grown succulents.  Take a look at the Mexican musician.  He's almost completely covered with plants.  That's a pretty innovative way to grow plants and decorate your garden.

Til Tomorrow,

Friday, August 3, 2012

Feeling Good!

I don't know about you, but this picture just make me feel HAPPY!  I love the mixture and the naturalness of these flowers.  Its like God's little painting that changes daily.  Pretty cool I think.

Til Tomorrow,

Thursday, August 2, 2012

What is this bird?

I have searched but haven't found out what this bird is. It's so interesting with the black protrusion on its head. Because of its feet, I think it is a type of duck. But after all my research, I can't find it. Anybody know?

Til Tomorrow,

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Cork Oak

This is a cork oak tree. Wine corks and cork floors are derived from the bark of these trees. This one was located in San Diego. Very interesting if you take a close look.

Til Tomorrow,